7 Mistakes To Avoid When Creating A Quantitative Survey

7 Mistakes To Avoid When Creating A Quantitative Survey

What mistakes should be avoided when creating a quantitative survey?

  1. Not Asking The Right People
  2. Too Much Jargon and Technical Terms
  3. Using Biased Survey Questions
  4. Unnecessary Questions
  5. Being Intrusive
  6. Exceeding Questions and Time
  7. Not Testing It Out


Quantitative surveys are vital to your establishment. It is one of the most reliable ways to get to know your customers. Apart from that, it establishes relationships between variables, and the data you receive plays a big role in investigating research problems. This is why you should be extremely mindful in curating your surveys. From your survey tool to your questions, there are many chances for you to affect your quantitative study and compromise the quality and the results. In this article, we’ve listed down for you the mistakes to avoid when creating a quantitative survey. Keep reading to learn more!

Not Asking The Right People


For you to end up with significant and correct insights, it is crucial that you ask the right people. When you end up asking everyone, especially those who are far from your target market, you are most likely going to end up with low-quality results.

Too Much Jargon and Technical Terms

Always keep your questions and words as simple as possible. Content that is easier to read is more understandable, accessible, relatable, and easier for your respondents to engage with. On the contrary, technical words and too much jargon create comprehension difficulties. Your respondent may not even end up finishing your survey.

Using Biased Survey Questions

Using Biased Survey Questions

What are biased survey questions? These refer to questions that are phrased or structured in such a way that inclines people towards a certain answer. Some examples of biased survey questions are “how great is our customer service” or “how awesome is our product?” these contain judgment — automatically implying positive feedback.

Instead, these can be fixed into “how would you describe your experience with our customer service?” or “how would you rate our product?” These questions don’t make assumptions about the customer’s response but rather seek their genuine opinion.

Never use biased questions on your quantitative survey. This is one of the main causes of unreliable and dishonest feedback and results — which could end up in more trouble for your establishment.

Unnecessary Questions

Make sure that you are being straight-to-the-point as possible. There may be times that your questions may have the same intentions. You might also be asking too many questions — causing the survey to be too long. Ask yourself, is the question you are about to ask strictly necessary?

Being Intrusive

Being Intrusive

Asking intrusive and sensitive questions will only result in biased answers. Examples of these are questions regarding money, salary, culture, intimacy, sexuality, personal care, religion, and the like.

But, in the case that these answers are crucial to your market research, ensure that you use less intrusive wording and be mindful of what you ask.

Exceeding Questions and Time

It is important to remember that you are borrowing a chunk of your respondents’ time when you’re asking them to answer your survey.

When your survey is way too long, your respondents will lose interest in your survey or run out of time. This is where your response rate suffers.

That said, keep your survey as short as possible. Apart from your questions, consider other elements of your survey that could take up the time like excessive intros, the number of buttons, your webpage design, mobile optimization, your survey tool, and more.

Not Testing It Out

Not Testing It Out

Now that you’ve got everything ready, don’t hit publish just yet. Before sending out your survey, test it out first. This way, you’ll be able to pinpoint problem areas, lessens any measurement errors, and reduce any burden.

Key Takeaway

If you want to yield the best quality and most valid results on your quantitative survey, make sure to curate it mindfully. Watch out for these mistakes to avoid when creating a quantitative survey to make things easier for you. Remember, every element matters — from your survey tool to your design, and your questions.

For more tips and tricks on how to create the best surveys, check out our blogs!

If you really want to take this up a notch for your quantitative research, check out Qeryz — the most dependable survey tool for your website. We can help you gather quality data, analyze them, and help your establishment deliver better products and services to your customers. What are you waiting for? Click here to contact us or email us at SUPPORT@QERYZ.NET!

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