What is the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org? WordPress.org – referred to as the “real WordPress” and it has unlimited customization options, which range from payment, shipping, and membership options to the use of plugins, ads, and themes. WordPress.com – geared more towards casual and less-techie users since it has better storage and automatic backups
How to earn from blogging in 5 easy steps? 1. Start a blog and set it up properly; choose your platform and domain intelligently. 2. Create content that is useful and relevant to your target market. 3. Promote the content on the social media platforms and forums, where your target market is active. 4. Build
What are the 6 Modules of the WordPress Dashboard? 1. At A Glance: A quick glance of a WP website information and recent interactions. 2. Quick Draft: A pop up window where users can store ideas for content that will be saved as a draft. 3. Activity: A quick way to interact with visitors’ comments.
What do you Need to Know about WordPress Plugins? 1. WordPress (WP) plugins are applications that add features to a WP website. 2. They give a website owner limitless business and career possibilities. 3. They function by allowing developers to add their own code to the existing WP code. This code will be stored in
What are the Top Reasons Why People Ignore Your Survey? 1. The purpose of the survey is unknown. 2. It is too difficult to answer. 3. The questions are irrelevant to the respondents. 4. The layout and overall design is not attractive. 5. The intervals of the surveys are too frequent and cause survey fatigue.