What tips and tricks can you do to maintain your WordPress site? Backup your databases and website files regularly Secure your WordPress website Check for WordPress updates Conduct a technical site audit frequently Optimize your website speed Starting your own WordPress site can be easy. In fact, it probably wouldn’t even take you
What are the reasons why customer feedback is important? Improve products and services Gauge customer satisfaction Show that you value your customers Create the best experience for your customers If you own or run a business, it is important for you to do your best to satisfy the needs of your customers, please
What are the must-have tools for online entrepreneurs? SurveyMonkey Buffer Dashlane Slack Today is the age of the digital entrepreneur since it is much easier to find out what customers want through survey tools for websites. Today, anyone with a great idea, a computer, an Internet connection, and a whole lot of drive
What are the ways you can increase your online survey responses? Make them feel special Give out incentives Keep your surveys relevant More and more organizations are making use of surveys and WordPress survey plugins to gather information from their customers, employees, suppliers, and patients, and find out what they think and want. Surveys
How can survey tools help your business grow? Find out your benchmarks Know your target market Create new ideas Deepen relationships with customers Empower your employees Information is the lifeblood of most businesses today. In the Information Age, companies live and die by how well they make use of the information available to