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Conversion Rate Optimization 101: Essential Terms Part 1

These days most businesses are utilizing the one tool almost everyone is using to gain profit: the internet. Around 40% of the world’s population are  online these days.  In fact, one of the top questions any customer would ask upon entering a store is if that business or product has a Facebook page, Instagram account,

Trigger Surveys via API Call

Here’s the problem: I want to run the same survey question on exactly three different pages. Not site-wide. Just three pages. The pages are: I could do it in two ways: First is I create the survey then copy it twice – so that’s three running surveys simultaneously. But there’s a huge

Tips in Creating Better Mobile Friendly Surveys

Smartphones have become an essential part of people’s lives. In fact, it tops History Channel’s list of 101 All Time Greatest Gadgets. Why wouldn’t it? After all, your smartphone is essentially an all-in-one device. From navigation, sending e-mails, and video chatting, smartphones can do it all. With this in mind, utilize this device by sending

5 Customer Feedback Mistakes To Avoid

It is rare to see or answer a perfect survey because every customer feedback form is bound to have a mistake or two in them. More often than not, we pay no regard to it but sometimes these mistakes are so glaringly obvious, it’s hard not to ignore them. You might not be aware of