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4 Benefits of Skip Logic in Online Surveys

What are some benefits of skip logic in online surveys? Lessens survey questions Keeps questions relevant Increases number of completions Provides better results Online surveys are more widespread now than ever. While they have been used since the 90s, the pandemic made them even more significant. The limited physical interactions of the lockdown mean that

6 Tips For Creating Effective Travel Surveys

What are the tips for creating effective travel surveys? Keep your survey simple Ensure your survey is inclusive Ask about customer satisfaction from all angles Know about their travel attitudes Mix up the question types Offer incentives The travel, hotel, and tourism industry is facing an unprecedented shift in its operations due to the pandemic.

The Importance of Negative Customer Feedback

What is the importance of negative customer feedback? Criticism can be used to fuel business growth Provides insights for innovation Shows your commitment to excellent customer service Helps provide a competitive edge Converts detractors to promoters Reduces negative word of mouth Every company would want to receive only positive customer feedback. But, receiving only positive

How To Ask Effective Open-Ended Survey Questions

How can you ask effective open-ended survey questions? Don’t ask leading questions Ask about the what and why Avoid asking too many questions Use it to complement close-ended survey questions The key to asking insightful customer feedback comes down to asking the right questions and oftentimes, deciding to go for close-ended questions won’t always be

How To Create Effective Pop-Up Surveys

How can you create effective pop-up surveys? Define the goal of your survey and avoid too many questions Keep the survey’s design consistent with your brand Choose the right time to show the survey Rethink positioning Know your visitors Customer feedback is the key to any companies’ development. Gathering feedback data from people visiting your