17 Questions For Your Hybrid Work Survey

17 Questions For Your Hybrid Work Survey

What are some questions for your hybrid work survey?

  1. What are your concerns about the hybrid work setup?
  2. If it were up to you, how would you like to balance remote work and office-based work?
  3. How many days would you prefer to work in the office?
  4. What are you most excited about returning to the office?
  5. What challenges did you have while working from home?
  6. If you could, would you choose to work from home for good?
  7. Is there any way you think we could improve the hybrid work setup we already have?
  8. Is there any way we can enhance social connectivity within our company?
  9. How happy are you with the number of meetings (virtual or otherwise) we have?
  10. Do you feel like you are disconnected from the rest of the company?
  11. Would you prefer to have virtual breaks with your coworkers?
  12. What is your opinion on hybrid team-building activities?
  13. How happy are you with the feedback you receive as an employee?
  14. Do you have enough digital tools to do your job properly? If not, what tools do you need?
  15. Do have the right physical equipment to fulfill your role well? If not, what equipment do you need?
  16. How does working at home affect your overall productivity?
  17. How efficient do you think you are now compared to when you were working in the office?

The global pandemic has shown businesses and employees alike how it is to have a work from home arrangement. We already know that remote work is effective enough to keep some companies afloat. That’s why the best way to carry on is to have a hybrid set-up, where some employees need to report to the office while some can work from home. To make your set-up more effective, you could conduct a survey to your employees about hybrid work.

Some good questions for your hybrid work survey should focus on three things: expectations, interaction, productivity.

Hybrid work is a set-up that lets some of your employees work remotely. Recently, pure work-from-home set-ups have been the norm for most businesses. However, the world has slowly been allowing for more workers to work onsite as the virus cases start declining. If this trend continues, then everything will start going back to normal. For now, we’ve prepared a guide to help you choose questions for your hybrid work survey. Keep reading to learn more.



In making a hybrid work survey, you’d want to get as much information as possible. Whether you’re conducting this survey to investigate whether it would be a good move in the future or if it’s your present setup already, learning about your employees’ expectations would always be insightful. Each person would have their own idea about how hybrid work would be for them. If you have an idea of your employees’ expectations, you can provide solutions for problems before they even happen.

Here are some questions that get the expectations of your employees:

  • What are your concerns about the hybrid work setup?
  • If it were up to you, how would you like to balance remote work and office-based work?
  • How many days would you prefer to work in the office?
  • What are you most excited about returning to the office?
  • What challenges did you have while working from home?
  • If you could, would you choose to work from home for good?
  • Is there any way you think we could improve the hybrid work setup we already have?

Finding out the opinion of your employees about the hybrid work setup can tell you if it’s the right direction for your company. Your survey should also find out how willing each employee is to work in the office. Some employees enjoy being with their workmates, while some prefer solitude.



Employee interaction is an important aspect of work. Employees should have a healthy level of interaction between each other and their superiors.

Knowing this, a good hybrid work survey should recognize the importance and incorporate questions about it. This way, you would learn more about the socialization happening within the office. It also gives those with higher ranks more understanding about the social needs of their subordinates. Here are some questions for your use and perusal:

  • Is there any way we can enhance social connectivity within our company?
  • How happy are you with the number of meetings (virtual or otherwise) we have?
  • Do you feel like you are disconnected from the rest of the company?
  • Would you prefer to have virtual breaks with your coworkers?
  • What is your opinion on hybrid team-building activities?
  • How happy are you with the feedback you receive as an employee?

These survey questions can help you learn about the social situation within the company. Incorporating even a couple of these into your survey should give you a more comprehensive dataset after all responses have been recorded. It should also be a good indicator of whether your company needs improvement in the interaction aspect of work. How connected are your employees to each other and the company really?


To make sure that the company still runs smoothly, you would need to ask some questions about the employees’ productivity during hybrid work. Answers from these questions will tell you if the setup benefits both your company and the employees, and you can use this to compare data from before the pandemic. Here are some possible survey questions you can choose from:

  • Do you have enough digital tools to do your job properly? If not, what tools do you need?
  • Do have the right physical equipment to fulfill your role well? If not, what equipment do you need?
  • How does working at home affect your overall productivity?
  • How efficient do you think you are now compared to when you were working in the office?

These sample questions should be good enough to tell you about how the setup affects your employees. Also, it’s a chance for you to provide support to your employees who need it.

Key Takeaway

By choosing the right questions for your hybrid work survey, it would yield better results and therefore be more successful. You’ll be a better leader if you hear about the answers of your employees to these types of surveys.

If you need further assistance with surveys, or just want a survey tool for your website, Qeryz is for you! Learn more about its features, and try any of our plans for FREE for 15 days!

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