Utilizing Qeryz Survey Behavior
Qeryz survey is extremely flexible in terms of how it presents itself to your customers. Here’s how to take advantage of your survey behavior features:
Timed Surveys
One of the smartest options is timing your survey. Why is this important? Because it has a lot to do with your response rate.
Here’s a case study for you by Peep Laja of ConversionXL entitled “In Defense of Pop-ups“:
Is There A Best Time To Display Popups?
In this section will cover mainly timings for big ass overlays as they have more options and possibilities to play with the timing. With user scrolling triggered popups it’s pretty straight forward – you simply choose the time and that’s that.
When it comes to testing timing of big ass overlays – data from SumoMe shows that with their users find that the best time by far is 5 seconds. Meaning the overlay appears after visitors have been in the site for 5 seconds.

When WhichTestWon started experimenting with overlays they tested showing it 15, 30 and 45 seconds after the visitor had landed. In their testing the winner was 15 seconds which beat 30 seconds by 11% which beat 45 seconds by 50%.
And if they would had tested showing it even earlier they would have seen ever better results – right???
No “Best” Time For Popups. Test It, Stupid
As with pretty much EVERYTHING in CRO – there is no substitute for testing it out on your product/service on your visitors.
Unbounce says that best time is 60 seconds so I should use the same? No.
Mashable shows popups right away when I click through from Facebook but not when I land from other sources so I should do the same? Wrong again.
Their data might work for you, it most likely will not. Test it.
I know, I know. These case studies are for email pop-ups and not for surveys. So test!
It could be applicable for your Qeryz survey too. I found out that the best response rate I receive is usually for a survey that pops out after 20 seconds.
Exit Intent
People who are on their way out of your site – whether they are about to click on the ‘X’ button on the browser window, or switching to a new tab or even switching to another window in their desktop – can now be targeted.
What’s the logic behind targeting users who are about to exit?
It makes a world of sense if your question is on the lines of:
“Were you able to find what you were looking for in this page?”
“How can we improve your experience in our site?”
“Is there anything we can do to help you find what you’re here (in this page) for?”
This survey behavior is extremely useful when you are testing a landing page or doing an A/B test for your site.
Scrolling Behavior
When a customer scrolls halfway down the page, usually they are already engaged with what your site has to say. This survey behavior helps you capitalize on that.
Usually this survey behavior feature is used to lead people to sign up for your newsletter. While we do not have any email marketing integrations at this moment, you can still collect emails by using a ‘Text-Based Answer (Single Line)’ on your Create/Edit survey section.
This should help you collect responses. An example of a good scroll behavior survey goes something like this:
Start Minimized
If you didn’t know, Qeryz works on mobile. If most of your visitors are from mobile, you might want to take advantage of the Start Minimized survey behavior.
A mobile phone’s screen is pretty small and a Qeryz survey may eat up a lot of screen space on someone’s phone. It was a concern that was brought up by one of our users (thanks Noel!) and I believe it’s a really valid point.
If you’re starting a survey minimized, I strongly suggest that you also consider creating a Minimized Message.
Minimized Messages

Although the minimized message is also might useful on increasing response rate on desktop, it becomes an extremely powerful necessity on mobile. You could take advantage of this advanced survey behavior in your survey’s Create/Edit section.

I’ll be publishing a case study on how a minimized message increased my survey response rate at SEO Hacker significantly.
Survey Display Frequency
Qeryz enables you to be able to take full control on when your survey will show. Basically, there are three options:
1) Only show once per visitor
This option is probably going to be used by businesses who have very delicate customers and have an extremely high engagement for them to be able to gather enough data to make a study.
Not a lot of people use this feature but we figured there will be some who would anyway.
2) Continue showing until a visitor provides a response
This is the most common choice for survey display frequency. It gets you a good response rate and keeps your visitors undisturbed as the survey won’t show again until an X number of days – depending on what you decide on.
There’s an option in the Survey Display Frequency segment that asks you:
“After answering my survey, I want to show it again after [XX] day(s)”
I usually set it to 30 because I usually run surveys only on a 30-day period.
3) Continue showing until user has completed answering the survey
This option is most often used when you are gathering data for qualitative purposes. Not a lot of site visitors will be happy with this option – hence not a lot of people use it as well.
Hope this post helped you know how to take advantage of our Survey Behavior options so you’ll be able to have a better overall response rate!
Don’t have a Qeryz account yet? Sign up today!
PS: Some of the survey behavior features listed here (such as Start Minimized and Minimized Messages) are available only for Pro and Agency accounts.
Really useful article, I wasn’t quite sure how you did the exit surveys but that’s clever.
Thanks Lee! Try out the exit survey on your Qeryz account :) it’s quite fun to see it at work ;)