How to Make Your WordPress Survey Plugin More Recognizable

What can you do to make your WordPress survey plugin more recognizable?

  1. Design your survey for readability
  2. Customize through the WordPress survey plugin
  3. Integrate the survey onto your webpage



One of the best things that you can include in your blog is WordPress survey plugins. With the help of these surveys, you’ll get another communication channel where you can ask your audience a few questions about the site—that can be helpful in the long run.

When you think about it, even if you thought of the best survey questions included in your surveys, they still don’t get as much attention as you thought. In fact, there are some WordPress surveys that are literally ignored for the majority of the time that they’re implemented. Sometimes these surveys produce little to no result at all, and for people who value feedback from their audience, this can be a big problem.

That being said, a business or at least the one in charge of a website should always take into account the effectiveness of their feedback system—that includes comment sections, social media posts, and of course, WordPress surveys. The only thing that you can do in order to make your online surveys attract more respondents is of course by making it appealing to your audience. Make sure that it’s properly designed so that it’ll get the attention of those reading your blog! In this regard, here are a few things you can do to ensure that your WordPress surveys become more recognizable!



Design Your Survey for Readability

Design Your Survey for Readability

You have to take a look at your survey itself. Remember that there’s a difference between an academic survey and an online survey, however, they have the same function—to collect information and feedback from your audience. The way in which you present an online survey is different from how you design a normal survey. You have to make sure that your survey is as simple as possible.

Take note that your WordPress will be at least an add-on. It’s not something that your audience will explicitly look for. You should treat your surveys as a bonus, something that your audience will see and have the option to do after they have seen your content.

Prevent yourself from making your surveys text-heavy. Make it as short as possible. Ask only about what’s important and make it as clear as possible. A short, simple, and clear survey has a higher chance of being answered than a survey that asks complicated questions about your website. Keep in mind that your audience comes to your website looking for content, not looking to answer an exam.



Customize Through the WordPress Survey Plugins

A survey’s readability makes it easier for your audience to answer it. But that won’t happen if they don’t even realize that it’s there. Make sure that your survey is easily recognizable on the webpage. In most cases, surveys are presented as a small tab on the lower right of the screen. These tabs would be of a solid color and relatively plain looking—it’s the default design of multiple WordPress survey plugins.

Some plugins, however, give the user a number of customization features which make for a livelier and usually more appealing survey tool. There are many survey tools that provide many ways to personalize your surveys. That way, you don’t have to settle with a plain black-and-white survey tab for your survey tab. You design it to appear only after your reader spends a certain amount of time in your webpage, and add your brand colors and logos.

Your audience will most probably answer a survey with your company logo than a rather plain survey that’s almost a nuisance on the screen.


 Integrate the Survey onto Your Webpage


Integrate the Survey onto Your Webpage

Another thing that you can focus on is to make your survey seemingly part of your content. That way, your audience will have a reason to answer it after they finish the rest of your content. This goes hand in hand with designing your survey in line with your website. Integrate the brand color, logo, even the font that’s commonly used. Not only will it look like a part of the webpage or content itself, but it will also be something that your audience will click through one way or another.

You can also include CTAs (call to actions) in your content itself for the audience to answer the survey after they have finished looking at the main content. It’s similar to how other blogs ask for comments which form possible discussions! This time, however, you’re asking for a short amount of their time to answer the survey in order to help improve the website!



Key Takeaway

A survey is presented in order for you to get in touch with your audience. They provide feedback which you can then use to further improve your website. That being said, online surveys work differently from surveys in real life. The best survey questions aren’t enough to get your respondents. You need to make it appealing and as clear and as short as possible so that your audience will spend a few minutes of their time to answer them!

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