4 Conversion Rate Optimization Hacks that Actually Work

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You’re probably already familiar with the basic concepts and terms in conversion rate optimization, but have no idea yet about the tricks and techniques that can easily get the job done.

Some CRO hacks may often be underrated or underestimated because they’re so simple that users are fearful they might not work. With this hesitation comes the drive to look for other tools for more effective conversion—and we’re here to help you out with these!


Of course you would want a cool page that you can call your own. Who wouldn’t?

This can help you establish your identity in the online world. When your visitors click on a link, they will be redirected to your landing page where you tell them what your company is all about and the things that you’re willing to offer them. Javascript would be one of your best options in adding more efficient touches to your landing page. You can tweak coding formats so you could improve your page traffic. It can be designed in such a way that the most important information will be eye-catching. Below are examples of good landing page templates:

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This would work best with ads that are set up in different pages. Even if they have different destination URLs, you can personalize the copies regardless of what your visitors will type in Google’s search bar. Be careful with the codes, though—you won’t want to mix them all up and confuse your visitors.


Speaking of personalization, you can also tweak your e-mails just so you could get a better grip on your website traffic. Liquid e-mails are now being used by developers to customize their e-mails and check how this contributes to better visibility. This involves open-source coding languages. You can modify your greetings and salutations; you need strong ones because you’re making marketing e-mails.

If you have with you a specific client name, use it instead of a generic one. For example, ‘Hi Marie’ is much better than just a simple ‘Hi there’. For your closing tags, you may insert ‘Have a good day’ in your codes that you can use as a default salutation. A basic liquid e-mail code will look like this:

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Basically, this can be one way of increasing viewership through the parameters that you set for your online correspondences.


This is considered as one of the easiest and most basic hacks that you can do to generate more page traffic. You can use simple codes that would pre-position a cursor in a form field. This would easily catch the attention of your visitors and make their lives a whole lot easier.

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When they get to your page, the form field will automatically be selected and all your visitors have to do is to type and fill them out. Do this especially in your ‘Sign Up’ page and you will see that conversion rates will get significantly higher as users flock to your website.


Aside from pre-selected form fields, making auto-submit forms is also a good strategy in improving sales and regulating traffic. Once your visitors have put all the necessary information in all required fields, these will be sent to the landing page without needing to click on a ‘Submit’ button. Here is an example of an auto-selected form field:

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This trick also works in e-mail—it allows your visitors and contacts to register for podcasts and conferences without having to traffic in different addresses.

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Conversion Rate Optimization need not be difficult and complicated. These cool and simple hacks can help you improve your online presence and increase your conversion. However, this does not guarantee an instant 900% increase in your sales or become a world-famous website overnight. You still have to work hard for it and explore different tools and strategies for future growth. Good luck!

Sean Si is the CEO and Founder of SEO Hacker and Qeryz. A start-up, data analysis and urgency junkie who spends his time inspiring young entrepreneurs through talks and seminars. Check out his personal blog where he writes about starting up two companies and life in general.

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