What are features that every small business website must have? An engaging home page An about page that shows your expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness A detailed products and services page A simple order page Blogs, FAQs, and Testimonials that show your expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness A privacy page that details all your privacy policies An
What are the pros and cons of conducting a survey? Pros: It’s easy to do and quick to create It has a wide reach It saves you money on research costs You can do it via mail, email, online, telephone, and verbal methods It can quickly show you trends in the market It gathers large
If you’re a new website owner, then you may be wondering how you can make sure that your website is always in great shape and that it remains user-friendly. Aside from adding a survey tool to your website, you must also check how the site functions on a regular basis. To do this, use the
How do I word my survey questions effectively? Be precise and specific to get more valuable details from your respondents. Don’t make assumptions about your respondents. Be specific with the time frame. Add personality or impersonality; depending on what you want to get from your respondents. Don’t be intimidating or offensive. When creating the
How do I time my survey? Think of your survey’s goals and when would be the right time to ask a question regarding it. Think of your topic and what time of day or day in the week that a respondent would love to answer a question about it. Let your survey run for a