8 Best Practices for Writing Good Survey Questions

What are the best practices for writing good survey questions?

  1. Clearly define your objectives
  2. Use clear and concise language
  3. Avoid double-barreled questions
  4. Stay neutral and unbiased
  5. Offer a range of response options
  6. Randomize answer choices
  7. Pilot test your survey
  8. Keep it relevant


  • Effective survey questions are the cornerstone of valuable insights. In this article, we will explore the top practices for crafting inquiries that yield meaningful responses.
  • It’s all about setting clear goals, using simple language, avoiding difficult questions, staying unbiased, offering options, mixing up the order of choices, testing your poll first, and making sure every query is relevant.

Survey questions are essential tools for businesses. They facilitate gathering insights, tailoring products to customer expectations, refining development strategies, improving customer experiences, and staying updated on market trends.

They are a direct line to understanding audience thoughts and desires, enabling brands to adapt, innovate, and foster stronger customer relationships. In this article, let us dive into the best practices for writing good survey questions to elevate your questionnaire and unlock your company’s potential.

Clearly Define Your Objectives

Clearly Define Your Objectives

The backbone of any successful assessment lies in its clarity of purpose. Without well-defined objectives, your questionnaire may wander, generating data that lacks actionable insights.

Start by outlining the specific goals you aim to achieve through your survey. Are you seeking customer satisfaction feedback, market research data, or insights for product development? Prioritize these purposes and let them guide the formulation of your inquiries.

Use Clear and Concise Language

The power of a survey lies in its ability to capture accurate responses. Clear and concise language is the key to unlocking this power, ensuring that respondents interpret questions as intended.

Craft questions with simplicity in mind. Avoid jargon or overly complex language that might confuse participants. Choose clarity when expressing a question straightforwardly without sacrificing its depth. This not only enhances the accuracy of responses but also makes the experience more user-friendly.

Avoid Double-Barreled Questions

Double-barreled questions or compound questions are inquiries that address more than one idea or concept within a single sentence. These can create confusion for respondents as they may find it challenging to provide a clear and specific answer when faced with multiple components.

Break down complex inquiries into single, focused questions. Each of these should tackle a specific aspect, allowing respondents to provide detailed feedback. This approach not only improves the quality of data but also streamlines the subsequent analysis.

Stay Neutral and Unbiased

Unintentional bias in survey questions can skew results, compromising the integrity of your data. A neutral tone is essential for obtaining honest and unbiased feedback.

Scrutinize each inquiry for potential bias. Ensure that the phrasing doesn’t lead respondents toward a particular answer. Use language that is fair and impartial, creating an environment where participants feel comfortable expressing their genuine opinions.

Offer a Range of Response Options

Offer a Range of Response Options

Diversity in response options allows for a fine understanding of participant opinions. A comprehensive range of choices ensures that respondents can accurately convey their thoughts.

When composing questions, consider the spectrum of possible responses. Provide a mix of quantitative options, such as scales or multiple-choice, and qualitative choices for open-ended feedback.

Randomize Answer Choices

The order of answer choices can influence respondent decisions. Randomizing these choices minimizes order bias, contributing to more reliable and unbiased results.

Leverage tools like Qeryz that offer the option to randomize answer choices. By presenting answer choices in a different order to each participant, you eliminate the risk of systematic bias associated with response order. This ensures that the distribution of answers is a true reflection of participant opinions.

Pilot Test Your Survey

Before launching a full-scale examination, pilot testing is a crucial step in refining your questionnaire. Identifying and addressing potential issues in a small-scale trial can prevent larger complications later on.

Select a small group of participants to take a trial run of your survey. Monitor their experience and gather feedback on any confusing or unclear aspects. Use this information to make adjustments, ensuring a seamless and frustration-free experience for all participants when the questionnaire goes live.

Keep It Relevant

Relevance is the key to maintaining participant engagement and obtaining accurate responses. Irrelevant questions can lead to assessment fatigue, resulting in incomplete or rushed answers.

Regularly reassess the necessity of each query about your objectives. If a question doesn’t directly contribute to the goals you’ve outlined, consider skipping it. This ensures that every inquiry serves a purpose, making the experience more efficient and enjoyable for participants.

Key Takeaway

Adopting the best practices for writing good survey questions is crucial to yielding meaningful insights. Clear objectives, concise language, and avoiding biases ensure accuracy. Diverse response options and randomized choices enhance reliability. Pilot testing guarantees a seamless experience, and relevance is paramount for engagement.

Ready to elevate your survey game? Qeryz provides a range of features, from radio buttons to checkboxes and qualitative assessments. With skip logic, click-tracking, and SSL support, Qeryz enables a seamless collection of invaluable customer feedback. Take the next step in refining your surveys by reaching out to us today!

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