The WordPress community is made up of millions upon millions of people that come from different professions, gathered to create, share, and disseminate different works. From designers and developers to thousands of writers and users, WordPress has been one of the most trusted softwares available in the market today. From themes to survey plugins, WordPress offers so
You might think that your website and its corresponding wordpress survey plugin is secure or doesn’t contain anything exciting worth hacking. However secure or boring you think your website is, there is still a chance of someone attempting to find their way in. Did you know that majority of hacking incidents or security breaches for
What are the best things to do after getting your customer’s email address? Engage further Analyze demographics and statistics Use as reference for customer’s past queries and transactions Engagement for future promotions and projects Getting feedback through email A WordPress survey tool is one of the most reliable tools when it comes to garnering
What are the best WordPress plugins for Q4 2017? Social Polls by – allows you to add surveys and polls to your website easily. Jetpack – an effective plugin tool that features website optimization, security, and site mapping. Yoast SEO – a plugin that enables you to optimize your content. W3 Cache – a plugin that allows
What are the best themes for WordPress this 2017? Monstroid 2 – a versatile theme that offers diverse selection of visuals. JoshnnyGo – an all-in-one theme for all kinds of home service businesses. Zeko – the best theme for charities. Apoa – gives your business your desired identity and branding. Perfect – the best theme