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Feedback Loop: The Impact of Survey Tools in E-Commerce

How do surveys affect e-commerce? The feedback loop Stages of the feedback loop Common feedback gathering tools used for e-commerce What survey tools brings to ecommerce     Customer feedback is a very useful kind of information. When used correctly, it can improve the state of a business exponentially. The Internet is home to many

5 Ways You Can Measure Customer Satisfaction

What are the ways you can measure customer satisfaction? Customer satisfaction surveys Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) Customer effort score (CES) Net promoter score (NPS)     Customer satisfaction is notoriously difficult to measure for a wide variety of reasons. First off, you can’t always expect your customers to not only give feedback but to also

Tips and Tricks to Maintain Your WordPress Site

What tips and tricks can you do to maintain your WordPress site? Backup your databases and website files regularly Secure your WordPress website Check for WordPress updates Conduct a technical site audit frequently Optimize your website speed     Starting your own WordPress site can be easy. In fact, it probably wouldn’t even take you